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    Artikel Bahasa Inggris terbaru: Teaching Narrative Texts Using SQ3R method

    Teaching Narrative Texts Using SQ3R method
    Teaching Narrative Texts Using SQ3R method

    Teaching Narrative Texts Using SQ3R Method

    1. Introduction

                Reading is one of the skills that is important in English language learning and it should be mastered by the students. According to Patel (2008: 114), reading is the most important activity in any language class. Because it is not only source information, but also combining the knowledge of the language. In this case, students can develop their knowldege in good time. Furthermore, according to Alyousef (2005: 144), “Reading can be seen as an interactive process between a reader and a text which leads to automaticity or reading fluency.” By the reading, the students and a text will have a relation in order to contructing comprehension.
                The process of reading is understanding the main idea and finding an important information from a text. In reading a text, readers must focus and concentrate on the text in order to get a specific information. According to Patel (2008: 114), the process of reading are classified into three stages. First stage is the recognition stage, the learner simply recognizes the graphic ccunterparts of the phonological items. The second stage is the structuring stage, the learner sees the syntatic relationship of the items and understands the structural meaning of the syntactical units. The third stage is the interpretation stage, the learner comprehends the significance of a word, a phrase, or a sentence in the overall context of the discards. It means that there are also the process of reading are very important to the learners, so they can follow those steps in order that to achieve reading comprehension.
    Basically, in studying English especially reading skill, students must be able to identify an information from a text. But, in general students have different ability in reading. Students who have good reading ability will be easier to understand and catch the meaning of the context rather than students who have less in reading ability. It may be caused by they never try to read a text or book to checking how far their comprehending in a text.  According to Pardo (2004), comprehension is a process in which reader constructing the meaning by interacting with the text through the combination of prior knowledge and previous experience, information in the text and the stance the reader takes and relationship to the text. It means that, students can create a communication by reading to know the meaning of context and using previous experience as a reference.
    According to Tankersley (2005), reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. Based on that explanation, in reading comprehension there is a relation with written language in combining the meaning. In this case, the writer’s role is explain an idea based on the meaning of the text. Then the reader’s role are able to get same idea with the writer.
    In teaching reading skill, the teacher must be able to teach the students how to make them comprehend the text easily. In order to achieve the purposes, then the teacher has to follow the principles behind teaching of reading. According to Harmer (1998: 70), the principles behind teaching reading are as follow: 1) Reading is not a passive skill, 2) Students need to be engaged with what they are reading, 3) Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language, 4) Prediction is a major factor in reading, 5) Match the task to the topic, 6) Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. In sum up, the teacher must lead the students to know the purpose of the text, how can sentences or word are connected each other in order to comprehen the text.
    Meanwhile, according to Permendikbud No 21 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Isi Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah of Senior High School in English lesson as follow: “Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks agak panjang dalam kehidupan dan kegiatan siswa sehari-hari”. It means that, students are asked to know the purpose of the text, so they learn many kinds of text based on the function. Then, students are asked to identify generic structure of the text or the outline which is explained the contain or information. Furthermore, students are asked to analyze grammatical structure that used of the text. So, they will comprehend the text by following those activities.   

    B.      Theoritical basis

    Narrative Text
                Acoording to Anderson (2003, p.8), a narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener. So, a narrative text is text which is tell a story that happen in the past in order to tell someone.
                The story that explained in narrative text are divided into two kinds, those are fiction and non-fiction. For example, fable, folklore, fairy tales, romantic story, ghost story, personal experience, and etc.
                In order to understand narrative text, we must know about the generic structure and language features of the text. According to Anderson (2003, p.8), the steps for constructing the narrative including:
    1. an orientation in which the narrator tells the audience about who is in the stiry, when the story taking place, and where the action is happening,
    2. a complication that sets off a chain of events that influence what will happen in the story,
    3. a sequence of events where the characters react to the complication,
    4. a resolution in which the characters finally sort out the complication,
    5. a coda that provides a comment or moral based on what has been learned from the story.
                Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that generic structure of narrative text are orientation, complication, resolution, and coda or re-orientation.
                Then, the language features of narrative text according to Anderson (2003, p.8), are spesific characters, time words that connect events to tell when they occur, verbs to show the actions that occur in the story, descriptive words to portray the characters and setting.
                In short, language features of narrative text are using part action verb, using spesific noun as pronoun of person or animal in the story, using adjectives which are for noun phrase, using time connectives and conjunctions to arrange the events, using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events, using dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader, using past tense, and using variety of simple, compound and complex sentences.


                According to Stanly (2005), SQ3R stands for Survey, Questions, Read, Recite, Review. It is a proven technique to sharpen text book reading skill. SQ3R helps make reading purposeful and meaningful, so that we can use your time most effectively.
    In addition, grounded on Soedarso (2010: 59-60) in this SQ3R system, before reading our first survey of reading to get a general idea of what we read. Then by asking questions to myself that the answer we expect is there in the reading will be easier to understand the readings, and then by trying to express through their own words the main points of importance, we will retain and remember it longer.
    The first step of SQ3R method is Survey, the students were asked to glance the topic headings, subheadings to know what the text will about. Secondly, the students able to find detail information consist of main idea. In this case the students were asked to make a question that related with the text, it called Question step. Then, in Reading step, the students were asked to read the text and underlined an important information in detail. The students also asked to find difficult word or unfamiliar word from the context. Students also asked to make a questions while they start to read a topic, so they can get an answer from their questions. Moreover, the next step is Recite, in this step the students asked to recite the answer without looking the questions. And they must check their answers. Then, the last basic competence of reading comprehension is students asked to find implicit and explicit information. The students are asked to make summary from a text based on the information that they find before. The steps of this section is Review, it purposed to put the material back together again, and one of the students must review notes at least every 2 to 3 days as a memory check.

    The Procedure SQ3R
    Scan the piece of writing and get the main ideas. Look for:
    ·         Titles and Headings – Inidicate the main topics and concepts being developed.
    ·         Pictures, questions, bold, or italicized print – emphasize important information.
    ·         Introduction and conclusion – May give the topics being covered as well as the purpose. First and last sentences in paragraphs.
    ·         Footnotes.

    Write questions to give purpose and improve concentration.
    Search for answers to your questions.
    Reciting helps to put information into you long-term memory.
    Review the material to understand and remember it.
    1. Sample material
    In this chapter, a story about cinderella is presented as a sample material for teaching English.
    Cinderella Story
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Ella. She lived in a big house with her father The rich merchant. Her father, Charles, has become a widower since his wife passed away for an uncurable fever years ago. Unable to live and managed everything by himself, Charles decided to remarried with a middle age widow named Lady Tremaine who already has two daughter, Anastasia and Drizella. At the begining of their marriage, Lady Tremaine was so kind to Ella and her father. She would cook a decent meal for the family day and night, make the bed for her husband, and even help Ella to comb her hair. But, it was not for a long time. It turned out that Lady Tremaine and her daughter was a wicked con man with a plan to claim the wealth of Ella’s father. She poured certain amount of poison into Ella’s father meal everyday, an amount that would kill him slowly, so that no one would suspected that it was a murder. After a couple of month of illness, Ella’s father passed away, leaving her as the only rightful heir of all his treasure, including the house. Knowing this, Lady tremaine was so mad that she threw Ella into the basement and made her worked as the house maid. Lady Tremaine and her daughter treated Ella badly and made her to work all day long. “Ella! Clean the floor!” Lady Tremaine shouted at Ella, “Yes, mother” said Ella gently. (Orientation)
    One morning, there was knocked on the door. Cinderella opened the door, and there was a messenger from the kingdom bringing an invitation to all young ladies in the land to join a royal ball tonight, as the Prince is planning to choose a wife. The two stepsisters was so happy to get this invitation as they always dreamed of becoming the Queen one day. But secretly Cinderella had the same dream too. Cinderella step out the house and get on the horse cart and departed to the Royal ball. When she arrived at the royal ball, all people in the room was amazed by her beauty, the orchestra player even stopped and forgot to keep playing the music when they saw Cinderella. The prince who hadn’t seen Cinderella yet because she was coming from the back side of the Prince, get annoyed when the room suddenly become so quiet, he was just about to be mad at the musician when he turned his back and yelled “Why did you stop pla….” and he couldn’t continue his word, when his eyes was caught by the pretty face of Cinderella. He just walked towards her right away.
    “May I have the honour to dance with you?” ask the prince to Cinderella.
    “Me? I.. emm.. mean, Yes, I guess” said Cinderella hesitantly.
    The music continue playing and people in the ball room start dancing again. Cinderella and the Prince dance together for hours without saying anything, they just smile and watch each other eyes without blinking, as if they’ve missed each other for years. But Cinderella forgot one thing, it was about mid night. Cinderella stopped talking when she heard the clock’s bell ringing as the sign that it was already midnight. Cinderella run as fast as she can, she didn’t look back. She kept running while all the magic start disappearing. Unfortunately at the pallace gate, she tripped, and she lose her right slippers. Having no time to search for it, she continue running until she arrived at home. Not so long after Cinderella arrived at her house, her step sisters and her step mother also arrive at the house. All of them were talking about what happened in the ball room that night, and they also talked about the news that the prince is looking for the girl that he met at the Royal Ball, and that the prince will marry the girl whose foot fitted the glass slippers that he found at the palace gate. (Complication)
    Next day, the prince and his guard search to every house in the land, asking every young woman to try to put on the slippers, but no match were found. At last they arrive at Cinderella house. Lady Tremaine welcomed them and ask her daughters to try on the slippers, none of them fit the slippers. Suddenly, the guard heard a noise from the basement, just like someone is trying to turn on the fire in the chimney. They all walked to the basement and found a girl covered in dust and cinder. She was surprised to see the prince and his guard in front of her. As we can all guess, the glass slipper fit just fine on Cinderella foot. Without saying anything, Cinderella grab something from her pocket, and it was the other part of the slipper, she put the pair of the slippers on.
    Finally, Cinderella and the Prince got married and become the next King and Queen in the kingdom. Cinderella forgave her step mother and step sisters and take them to live in the pallace with her. And they all live happily ever after. (Resolution)

    1. Teaching procedures
    The procedures in presenting the technique are as follow:
    ·         Pre-teaching
    1. Prepare a narrative text about Cinderella story.
    2. Copy the text as many as the number of the students in your class and distribute them to the students.
    ·         Whilst-teaching
    3. Read the narrative text about “cinderella story”
    4. Ask the students to follow reading when they are already familiar with the pronounciation.
    5. Once in while, stop reading to give the students  a chance to read together on their own. 
    6. After reading is done, introduce some points of information that used in narrative text, such as:
    Ø  Definition
    Ø  Generic structure (Orientation, Complication, and Resolution)
    Ø  Social function
    Ø  Language features (Simple Past tense)
    7. Ask the students to write a narrative text.
    8. Explain the way how to use SQ3R method.
    9. Ask the student to make a group discussion. One group consist of four students.
    10. Ask the student to apply SQ3R method in their discussion. All of member must follow the rules of that method.
    11. The student’s note are written in their paper.
    12. The duration of discussion are twenty five (25) minutes.
    13. Ask the student to do Exercise 1 Cinderella story in ten (10) minutes.
    ·         Post-teaching
    14. Ask one of the member group to present their discussion in front of the class.
    15. Ask the student to submit their works.
    After applying this method to the students of Senior High School, the writer feels the method are appropriate of teaching narrative text and make them interested to join. The narrative text is arranged based on the generic structure. In addition, it also help to increase student’s reading ability.
    1. Conclusion
    As an English teachers, we should more creative in using a media in teaching process in order to make the students are enjoy in study. Teachers should apply an interesting teaching method to prevent student’s bored. As we know that, every student has different background knowledge in learning English. In line with that, teachers also must explain first the way how to use other teaching method until they are understand to make teaching proess succesful. By using teaching method, students are excited to join the class and increase their student’s reading ability. The essential of teaching a narrative text is to remember a legend story about fairy tale and folklore in order to make students know more about history of place. In this case, students must be able to understand a text and getting information from a text easily. By using SQ3R method, it will help the students to manage their time in reading ability.
    1. References
    Anderson, K.2003. Text Types in English I. Australia: Macmillan Education.
    Alyousef, H.S.2005. Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners: ELT Journal, Vol 5 (2)
    Depdiknas. 2016. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No 21 Jakarta
    Harmer, J. 2004. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman.
    Tankersley, Karen. (2005). Literacy strategies. Alexandria: ASCD.

    Exercise I. Answer the question based on the text above!
    1.Who is the main character in the story?
    2.What type of narrative text does the story belong to?
    3.What does paragraph 1 tell us about?
    4.Who is Charles?
    5.What is the name of Ella’s step mother?
    6.Who are Anastasia and Drizella?
    7.In generic structure of narrative text, what do we call paragraph 1?
    8.What does paragraph 2 tell us about?
    9.What did Lady Tremaine do when she found out that Ella is the only rightful heir to all the treasure?
    10.How did Lady Tremaine and her daughter treat Ella after her father is dead?
    11.What kind of punishment will be given to Ella when she was unable to do the job perfectly?
    12.Why didn’t Ella try to fight back?
    13.Based on the messenger from the kingdom, what seems to be the main purpose of the royal ball?
    14.Do you think that Cinderella wants to be the Queen? Write down the statement from the text that give a support to your opinion!
    15.Who turned out to be the source of the magical voice?
    16.What is the present from the fairy godmother that Cinderella can keep for herself?
    17.Will the magic of the fairy godmother last forever? How do you know it?
    18.What happened in the ball room when Cinderella arrived?
    19.What is the first sentence that the Prince said to Cinderella?
    20.Why did Cinderella run away when she heard the sound of the clock’s bell?
    21.Which part of the slippers that she lose at the palace gate?
    22.Why did the Prince go to the basement?
    23.What did Cinderella grab from her pocket?
    24.What did Cinderella do to her step mother and step sisters?

    Note: Please share if this artcle is helpful.

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