Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Writing Terbaru 2019 - Ruangan Guru

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    Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Writing Terbaru 2019

    Artikel tentang Writing Terbaru 2019
    Writing Article

    Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Writing Terbaru 2019

    Lina Mariana
    Diani Nurhajati
    English Education Department
    University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri

       Everyone knows that learning English as a foreign language needs huge efforts in mastering the language components, such as grammar, spelling, sentence-structure, mechanics, vocabulary, etc. Those components are needed especially in learning writing. Students who learn writing need feedback from the teacher to improve their writing ability. The objectives of this research are 1) to describe the process of teaching writing using corrective feedback through Lesson Study program and 2) to describe the result of students writing ability after given corrective feedback by the lecturer. The method of the study followed the steps in Lesson Study:  Plan, Do and See as a cycle. The writing lecturer collaborated with other lecturer make preparation, conduct in the classroom, do reflection. The study was carried out in Creative Writing class for the fifth semester students. The results of the study show that the students need corrective feedback on the following aspects: developing idea, the structure of the text, grammar, spellings, punctuations, and capitalization. After the lecturer gave corrective feedback on those aspects, the students can produce a story book for children which are good at those aspects.
    Keywords: Corrective feedback, Lesson Study. Writing Ability, Story book

    I.                    INTRODUCTION

    Writing is important because not only reinforces grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary but alsothe students have a chance to be adventurous with the language and finally the students are very involved with the new language. In this part, the students have a unique way to reinforce learning by combining constant use of eye, hand, and brain.Kendall and Kuon (2006: 37) reveal a theory from educators’ point of view that “Teaching writing to English Language Learners (ELLs) can be a challenge because they frequently get confused about what they want to say as they work.” This means writing enables teachers to be braver in giving students the appropriate way to have them write what is on their minds and working on any information comes to them. While, Robitaille and Connelly (2007: 3) have learners’ point of view that, “Learning to write well is important because it gives you power. Writing well enables you to accomplish your goals, whether those goals include being successful in school, getting and keeping a good job, or simply expressing your ideas clearly.” Learning writing can be used as a means to pursue learners’ dreams whether academically or non-academically.
    However, there are some difficulties related to writing. The psychological difficulty in which the writer has to decide what information the readers need. Furthermore, there is a linguistic difficulty in that language used in written language that is different from that used in speech and in addition, there is a cognitive difficulty in which the students have to organize their obliged to write and they do not know what to write more on their paper.
    Based on the preliminary research which consists of observation, test, questionaire, and interview showed that the difficulty faced the most for students  in writing was on developing ideas in paragraph. This was indicated from some following problems: a) the students’ difficulties on Grammatical structure, b) the students’ difficulties in finding appropriate vocabularies upon sentences they made, and c) the students’ difficulties in organizing their ideas into paragraphs.
    From the conditions above, a lecturer should give some alternatives to students about how to write a good paragraph, whatever the paragraph is. So, their writing will be meaningful, well-organized, unity and also coherent. In relation to the use of giving corrective feedback activity, there have been some studies conducted at several schools, especially in junior high school and senior high school. The finding of the previous studies show that this activity is effective and helpful for the students and the teachers, but the emphasis of conducting this research is how I help the students in organizing their ideas, so that their writing result will be organized well, their sentences will be arranged in a right unity and coherent. Based on the background of the study, the research questions are:
    1) How is the process of teaching writing using corrective feedback through Lesson Study program ? 
    2) How is the result of students’ writing ability after given corrective feedback by the lecturer?

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