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    Jaenal Abidin, Drs. Agung Wicaksono. M.Pd

    Writing is one of the important thing in language leaching. Writing is as categorized as productive skill; it might be a problem for some students in learning English because there are many aspects which should be considered, such as content, grammar, vocabularies, organizing idea, mechanic and styles. Morevore, in writing also students must follow several stages and processes in writing. Writing learning that is only based on the text book and with the lecture's method will make it difficult for students to develop their writing. In the case of the writing process, there is a revision process. That happens because there is no one to write perfectly in one write. The teacher must provide appropriate correction methods for the student's writing. One method that can be used is written corrective feedback. The purpose of writing this paper is to discuss the implementation of written corrective feedback in teaching writing.
    Keywords: Written Corrective Feedback, Teaching Writing, Writing


    Writing is an activity to convey ideas or information in written form. For learners of foreign languages, writing is the most challenging skill than listening, speaking, or reading. This is because it requires the ability and complicated processes in writing. In order to produce good writing products, students must give attention to grammar forms, punctuation and sentence structure, word form errors, and accuracy of spelling (Richards and Renandya: 2002). And also, to make good writing products, students also need to know and be involved in the writing process. Because it is very difficult to write good writing at once first time. Therefore we need knowledge about how the stages and processes in writing.
    As mentioned above, that to produce a good writing we must through several stages and processes in writing.. Harmer (2004: 4-5) divided process of writing into four steps. Those are planning, drafting, editing (reflecting and revising), and final version. In writing, starting from getting an idea to the final product, it has been arranged in such a way. These stages must be carried out sequentially.
    Writing activity itself is not as easy as imagined. students often experience the desire to write, but cannot do it.students experience a delay in expressing their thoughts or ideas through language in good and correct form, so that students experience difficulties in writing. In addition, learning that focuses on the text book often ignores the stages and processes in writing itself. therefore, as a teacher must find the right solution in dealing with these problems.
    In senior high school level, the students are expected to have technical competence in interpersonal, transactional, and functional texts using a variety of oral and written English texts. It is stated in … : Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, dengan menggunakan struktur teks secara urut dan runtut serta unsur kebahasaan secara akurat dan berterima (permendikbud th 2016 no 21). In addition to being able to compose texts verbally, a senior high school student must also be able to compose written text with the structure in sequence and using the correct language elements.
    In order to reach the competence, teachers must have the right way to teach writing. There are a lot of ways that can be used by the teacher. But in fact, more teachers use unappropriated techniques and even do not adopt techniques in their teaching. As explained above, teachers must be able to make senior high school students compile written texts with the structure in sequence and using the correct language elements. For example, the teacher just explains the material and gives the question and answers session, gives the related topic and asks the students to do writing. This method usually makes students bored and not too effective. To solve the problem above, the writer believe that the teacher must find another teaching way which appropriate to use. One of them is written corrective feedback.
    Corrective feedback (CF) has become a significant notion in EFL learning as it is seen as a facilitator to enhance L2 learning.  CF is described by Russel & Spada (2006:4) as any feedback type used by teachers in response to learner utterance in the target language that contains an error. It means that CF is a genuine response from teacher to student error and indicates the effectiveness of their utterances. Furthermore, Ellis (2009: 9) added the teacher gives the correct form to the students, and it is desirable for low-level-of-proficiency students who are unable to self-correct and do not know what the correct form
    Although it looks simple and easy to use, this method requires special preparation and the teacher must know some things related to written corrective feedback, including the teacher must know the types of corrective feedback, the ability to create syllabus design written corrective feedback, and how the role of the teacher written corrective feedback is.
    This paper is intended to discuss and explain about types of corrective feedback, procedure to design written corrective feedback, and role of the teacher in written corrective feedback in teaching writing. In this paper, the writer will discuss focus on teaching writing, corrective feedback, written corrective feedback.
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